Here are a few reasons to clarify why I believe voting for Barack Obama is the correct decision.
As you may have noticed, this election has generated an unprecedented interest in the American system of Democracy. Not since the Nixon/McGovern race have we as a country had such strong opinions and intrigue in who we choose as our leader.
A vast number of Americans have grown disenchanted and lethargic about our government, our electoral process, our leaders, our supreme court and generally our country.
America is falling into the later stages of Democracy and freedom, best described as such:
The Average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage.
As of now we Americans fall somewhere around complacency and apathy.
Voting for Obama and what he represents is at least a step in the right direction, as it is a step away from apathy.
I am not looking forward to dependence or bondage.
Obama, to me represents choice, diversity and difference. America is no longer a Caucasian Christian country. America is now a DIVERSE country. Although those of us living in isolation would never guess, as we tend to live amongst groups of people we feel comfortable around.
We are now representative to the world as an experiment in cross cultural diversity.
If anyone is uncomfortable with that may I suggest Canada?
Also we are no longer the leader of the free thinking Western world in terms of health care, creativity, technology, innovation, progress and a myriad of other categories. We are trying to hang on to our Old America of the prosperous late 1940's and 50's. We have now become the Al Bundy or Uncle Rico of the world, desperately clinging to our high school football days.
We need to stop thinking about high school football and move on to where we are now and where our next great victory will come from.
Not a victory from war or conflict, but perhaps a moral victory or an intellectual victory.
We are going to have a revolution of some kind in the near future.
My hope is that our revolution is not one of blood and violence, but one of change and acceptance of what we can achieve.
Hatred, intolerance, corruption, greed, lethargy, complacency, closed thought and ignorance need to be stopped.
Will electing Obama do this?
100% absolutely not a chance in hell of doing this.
But steering in the direction of change is the right thing to do.
Voting for another surly old white republican will not change anything.
I honestly care about America, I was born and raised here, it saddens me to see it fall apart, not unlike a drug addicted friend or relative. I hate to see America hurting itself and standing back and watching without intervening makes you just as guilty.
So are we going to keep keep feeding America its drugs in the form of John McCain? OR to we take America to the Barack Obama center for Democratic Rehabilitation?